function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "All Unit Icon Overview - Control", desc = "Replaces the default engine icon drawing. Conflicts with Icon Height.", author = "esainane", date = "2020-01-27", license = "GNU GPL, v2 or later", layer = 2000, handler = true, enabled = false -- loaded by default? } end include("keysym.h.lua") -- -- ICON MODE SECTION -- -- Parameters local tolerance = 25 -- Flags and switches local waiting_on_double local current_mode local target_mode local showingicons -- Variables local kp_timer -- Forward function declarations local UpdateDynamic = function() end local GotHotkeypress = function() end -- -- Take/reuse same settings as Icon Height widget -- options_path = 'Settings/Graphics/Unit Visibility' options_order = { 'lblIconHeight', 'iconheight', 'iconmodehotkey', } options = { lblIconHeight = {name='Icon Height Widget', type='label'}, iconheight = { name = 'Icon Height', desc = 'If the camera is above this height, all units will be icons; if below, no units will be icons.\n\nOnly applies when the icon display mode is set to Dynamic.\n\nThis setting overrides Icon Distance.', type = 'number', min = 0, max = 10000, value = 2500, OnChange = function(self) WG.AllUnitIcon.iconheight = options.iconheight.value end }, iconmodehotkey = { name = "Icon Mode Hotkey", desc = "Define a hotkey to switch between icon display modes (On/Off/Dynamic).\n\nSingle-press to switch between On/Off.\n\nDouble-press to switch to Dynamic.", type = 'button', OnChange = function(self) GotHotkeypress() end, }, } function widget:Initialize() WG.AllUnitIcon.iconheight = options.iconheight.value Spring.SendCommands("disticon " .. 100000) end function widget:Shutdown() -- Try to restore a sane default -- TODO: Remember where we were? Spring.SendCommands("disticon " .. 50) end local function GetCameraHeight() local cs = Spring.GetCameraState() local gy = Spring.GetGroundHeight(cs.px, cs.pz) local testHeight = - gy if == "ov" then testHeight = options.iconheight.value * 2 elseif == "ta" then testHeight = cs.height - gy end return testHeight end GotHotkeypress = function() if waiting_on_double then waiting_on_double = false target_mode = nil kp_timer = nil current_mode = "Dynamic" UpdateDynamic() else waiting_on_double = true kp_timer = Spring.GetTimer() if current_mode == "On" then target_mode = "Off" elseif current_mode == "Off" then target_mode = "On" elseif showingicons then target_mode = "Off" else target_mode = "On" end end end UpdateDynamic = function() local testHeight = GetCameraHeight() if showingicons and testHeight < options.iconheight.value - tolerance then showingicons = false WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons = false elseif not showingicons and testHeight > options.iconheight.value + tolerance then showingicons = true WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons = true end end local function UpdateMode() if not waiting_on_double and (current_mode == "On" or current_mode == "Off") then return end if not waiting_on_double then UpdateDynamic() -- Not waiting, Dynamic mode else -- Waiting to see if there's a double keypress local now_timer = Spring.GetTimer() if kp_timer and Spring.DiffTimers(now_timer, kp_timer) < 0.2 then return end -- keep waiting -- Otherwise, time's up if target_mode == "On" then showingicons = true WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons = true current_mode = "On" else showingicons = false WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons = false current_mode = "Off" end target_mode = nil kp_timer = nil waiting_on_double = nil end end function widget:GameFrame(n) UpdateMode() end