function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "All Unit Icon Overview - Model", desc = "Replaces the default engine icon drawing. Conflicts with Icon Height.", author = "esainane", date = "2020-01-27", license = "GNU GPL, v2 or later", layer = 2000, handler = true, enabled = false -- loaded by default? } end local icontypes = VFS.Include("LuaUI/Configs/icontypes.lua") include("keysym.h.lua") -- -- ICON DRAW SECTION -- local spGetAllUnits = Spring.GetAllUnits local spGetUnitDefID = Spring.GetUnitDefID local spGetUnitIsDead = Spring.GetUnitIsDead local spGetUnitIsCloaked = Spring.GetUnitIsCloaked local spIsUnitSelected = Spring.IsUnitSelected local frame = 0 local all_units = {} WG.AllUnitIcon = { all_units = all_units, showing_icons = WG.AllUnitIcon and WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons or false } local function ProgressToFlashRate(progress) if progress >= .5 then if progress >= .75 then if progress >= .90 then -- 97%+ - OSHI THE STARLIGHT'S NEARLY DONE, PANIIIC -- If something is nearly done, we want it to be pretty clear that it's still under construction -- If it's an enemy unit, we need to know to deal with it imminently -- If it's a friendly unit, we should be aware that we don't want to leave it unfinished -- ...or simply that it's something we're delaying if we set priority elsewhere return 10.0 else -- [.75,.97) - almost done, flash just faster than 1Hz, fairly insistently return 25.0 end else -- [.5,.75) - something to think about soon, flash just slower than 1Hz return 35.0 end else if progress >= .2 then -- [.2,.5) - enough invested to probably not be a decoy, flash slowly, slightly faster than 2Hz return 55 else -- [0,.2) - whether it's half a dozen decoy fusions or some nub waiting an hour for a det, we don't care that much. 3Hz it is. return 90 end end end local terraunitid = UnitDefNames["terraunit"].id local clawid = UnitDefNames["wolverine_mine"].id local function UpdateOneUnit(unitID) local udID = spGetUnitDefID(unitID) if udID == terraunitid then -- Terraform is a special snowflake which always manages to creep little bits of frost into every addon return end local have_old_data = true local data = all_units[unitID] if not data then data = {} have_old_data = false end --data.debug = 0 data.udID = udID local ud = UnitDefs[udID] local isCloaked = spGetUnitIsCloaked(unitID) local tr, tg, tb if spIsUnitSelected(unitID) then tr, tg, tb = 1,1,1 else local team = Spring.GetUnitTeam(unitID) if team == nil then tr, tg, tb = 1,0,1 else tr, tg, tb = Spring.GetTeamColor(team) end end local health, maxHealth, _, _, buildProgress = Spring.GetUnitHealth(unitID) -- aimpos local _,_,_,wx,wy,wz = Spring.GetUnitPosition(unitID, false, true) -- ud is nil sometimes. if ud == nil then -- We've got a radar dot (?). Update what we can if not have_old_data then return end if wx ~= nil and wy ~= nil and wz ~= nil then --Spring.Echo("We still know the coordiates ", wx, wy, wz) --data.debug = 1 else --Spring.Echo("UnitDef for unit", unitID, "unitDefID",udID,"is nil - we don't even know the coordinates! Skipping.") return end else -- We know the ud, update everything that depends on knowing ud local icon = icontypes[ud.iconType] data.icon = icon = end if buildProgress == nil then --Spring.Echo('nil buildprogress for unit', ud and if data.buildProgress == nil then data.buildProgress = 0.0 end else data.buildProgress = buildProgress end data.pulseRate = ProgressToFlashRate(data.buildProgress) data.isCloaked = isCloaked data.wx=wx data.wy=wy data.wz=wz data.tb=tb data.lastUpdate = frame if not have_old_data then all_units[unitID] = data end end local one_minute = 30 * 60 local function UpdateUnits() -- table.clear(all_units) local dead = {} for unitID,data in pairs(all_units) do if spGetUnitIsDead(unitID) then dead[#dead + 1] = unitID elseif data.udID == clawid and data.lastUpdate < frame - one_minute then dead[#dead + 1] = unitID end end for _,unitID in pairs(dead) do all_units[unitID] = nil end for _,unitID in pairs(spGetAllUnits()) do -- WHY IS THE API LIKE THIS? WHY? if not spGetUnitIsDead(unitID) then UpdateOneUnit(unitID) end end end function widget:GameFrame(n) frame = n UpdateUnits() end