function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "All Unit Icon Overview - View", desc = "Replaces the default engine icon drawing. Conflicts with Icon Height.", author = "esainane", date = "2020-01-27", license = "GNU GPL, v2 or later", layer = 2000, handler = true, enabled = false -- loaded by default? } end include("keysym.h.lua") -- -- ICON DRAW SECTION -- local spWorldToScreenCoords = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords local glColor = gl.Color local glTexture = gl.Texture local glTexRect = gl.TexRect local frame = 0 local shader local tLoc local isCloakyLoc local constructionProgressLoc local pulseRateLoc local framesStaleLoc local initialized = false function widget:Initialize() --[[ Shader: glColor: team color (or white if selected) cloaky_effect: truthy if cloaked construction_effect: float of construction progress --]] shader = gl.CreateShader({ fragment=[[ #version 330 const float pi = 3.141592; in vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; in vec4 gl_Color; uniform sampler2D texture; out vec4 diffuseColor; uniform int t; uniform int cloaky_effect; uniform int frames_stale; uniform float construction_effect; uniform float pulse_rate; void main(void) { vec2 texCoord = vec2(gl_TexCoord[0]); vec4 S0 = texture2D(texture, texCoord); // As a base: Output is the input texture's color, tinted by the team color diffuseColor = S0 * gl_Color; if (bool(cloaky_effect)) { // If a unit is cloaked, override the visible black parts of it with a // shifting blue-green-purple effect const float blackishThreshold = 0.4; if (S0.r < blackishThreshold && S0.g < blackishThreshold && S0.b < blackishThreshold) { // cloaky effect diffuseColor.rgb += 3; diffuseColor.rgb /= 4; diffuseColor.rgb += vec3( 0.6+mod(texCoord.x*texCoord.x + texCoord.y / 3 + t / 50.0, 0.3), 0.7+mod(texCoord.y*texCoord.y + texCoord.x / 2 + t / 50.0, 0.3), 0.9 ) * 3; diffuseColor.rgb /= 4; } else { diffuseColor.rgb *= 1; } } // Draw a completion progress circle for under-construction entities if (construction_effect < 1.0f) { // Work out how far along the circle we are float dx = texCoord.x - .5; float dy = texCoord.y - .5; float angle; // Avoid x == 0 divide-by-zero implementation-definedness if (abs(dx) < 0.001) { angle = dy > 0 ? 3.0 * pi / 2.0 : pi / 2.0; } else { angle = atan(dy, dx); angle += pi; } // Change the boundary to be at the top of the icon angle += 3 * pi / 2; // convert to [0.0,1.0] float equivProgress = mod(angle, 2 * pi) / (2 * pi); // Ensure a minimal visible circle while under construction, of team color // Used to work around icons that are off center or very uneven // (Krow, Starlight) if (abs(dx)*abs(dx)+abs(dy)*abs(dy) < 0.1) { diffuseColor.rgb += (1 - diffuseColor.a) * gl_Color.rgb; diffuseColor.a = max(0.9, diffuseColor.a); } // Under-construction entities pulse, and more insistently the closer they are to completion // Now, actually darken the icon under-construction entities float ft = float(t); if (equivProgress > construction_effect) { // Further along the circle than actual progress made, very dark float mult = 0.50 + // Baseline -(0.4 * construction_effect) + // Emphasize the smaller slice - darker slice is much darker when nearly done for visibility 0.16 * (mod(ft, pulse_rate) / pulse_rate); // Pulse diffuseColor.rgb *= mult; } else { // We've built this far, still leave it darker than usual float mult = 1 + - (.1 + // Baseline .36 * construction_effect // Emphasize the smaller slice - lighter slice is much ligher when barely started, for visibility ) * (1.0 - mod(ft, pulse_rate) / pulse_rate); // Pulse diffuseColor.rgb *= mult; } } // Is our information stale, by many frames? // linear decay from 100% to 40% over 20 seconds diffuseColor.a *= 1 - 0.6 * min(600, frames_stale) / 600.0; } ]], uniformInt = {cloaky_effect = 0, t=0, frames_stale = 0}, uniformFloat= {construction_effect = 1.0, pulse_rate = 20.0} }) Spring.Echo(gl.GetShaderLog()) if not shader then Spring.Echo("[gui_unit_icon::Initialize] no shader support") Spring.Echo(gl.GetShaderLog()) widgetHandler:RemoveWidget(self) return end tLoc = gl.GetUniformLocation(shader, "t") isCloakyLoc = gl.GetUniformLocation(shader, "cloaky_effect") pulseRateLoc = gl.GetUniformLocation(shader, "pulse_rate") constructionProgressLoc = gl.GetUniformLocation(shader, "construction_effect") framesStaleLoc = gl.GetUniformLocation(shader, "frames_stale") initialized = true end function widget:Shutdown() if initialized then gl.DeleteShader(shader) end end local function GetCameraHeight() local cs = Spring.GetCameraState() local gy = Spring.GetGroundHeight(cs.px, cs.pz) local testHeight = - gy if == "ov" then testHeight = WG.AllUnitIcon.iconheight * 2 elseif == "ta" then testHeight = cs.height - gy end return testHeight end local function GetIconScaleForHeight(h) -- Want 10 for ~2600, 8 for 6000, 6 for 8334 return 11.5 - h * 2 / 3400 end local function DrawOneUnit(u, iconScale) local x,y,z = spWorldToScreenCoords(u.wx, u.wy, u.wz) local tr,tg,tb =,, u.tb local icon = u.icon local size = iconScale * icon.size glColor(tr,tg,tb,1) local isCloakedInt if u.isCloaked then isCloakedInt = 1 else isCloakedInt = 0 end gl.UniformInt(isCloakyLoc, isCloakedInt) gl.Uniform(constructionProgressLoc, u.buildProgress) gl.Uniform(pulseRateLoc, u.pulseRate) gl.UniformInt(framesStaleLoc, frame - u.lastUpdate) --Spring.Echo(icon.bitmap) glTexture(icon.bitmap) glTexRect(x-size, y-size, x+size, y+size) glTexture(false) end -- local lastHeight = 0 function widget:DrawScreen() if not WG.AllUnitIcon.showing_icons then return end local testHeight = GetCameraHeight() local iconScale = GetIconScaleForHeight(testHeight) --if lastHeight ~= testHeight then -- Spring.Echo("New Height:", testHeight) -- lastHeight = testHeight --end gl.UseShader(shader) gl.UniformInt(tLoc, frame) for i,u in pairs(WG.AllUnitIcon.all_units) do DrawOneUnit(u, iconScale) end gl.UseShader(0) end function widget:GameFrame(n) frame = n end